Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weeping Bot

Words eclipsed by the tumult of thoughts..
Beauty eclipsed by the smeared glasses..
Off its shadowy halo-
Purple whispers the butterfly-songs
As the feigned innocence is about to rot....
Let not the smile seethe beneath
As my squirming torso frets on the cot....


Samadrita said...

Wonderful. Mesmerizing. Breath-taking wordplay. Enough said.

Sayandeep Kundu said...

@ Samadrita
It's like a fresh air over here after quite some time.. and finally you decided to visit my blog.. thanks you. so very much..

Thank you so very much that you liked it.. :) I am elated.

zephyr said...

off its shadowy halo...

i like that :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful blog.