Drops of straw liquor, tinged purple
Dripped into the void of mystic marvels
An endless voyage with seething turbulence beneath
Soul- the sailor sails ashore while aching limbs recede.
Immersed deep into a whirling abyss
Reminiscent of silky vortex of milky delusions
Smothered by creamy layers of immaculate desires
Senses imbued with mellow nectar leaking through sugar-coated sedatives.
Eyes gaze skyward, rusty reality grazing past irate irises
Fairy fragrance conjures scary images
Of smiles
Of cries
Of all your dubious juxtaposition
With my reveries-
My love,
My lust,-
A white dove,
A smear of rust!
Unfinished Business
10 years ago
whats 104?
btw hell lotta symbolisms and imageries you have used..a conflict between love and lust is what you are trying to convey......am i right???
It was basically..well.. yeah..sort of feverish rambles...and yeah...culminated in the very battle between love and lust u have referred to.. :)
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