To my utter surprise, I found a line of division between the two phases of the metamorphosis of an ignorant mind... a mind that was once a reality with nascent thoughts and blooming emotions, a mind that is today wallowing in the dreams of crawling premonition of mellow affection. Trifles of joy showered on it the bliss of intellect, curves of conflict marked on it the wounds of impatience. So, it started its journey from surface to the soul underneath,yet it ends up being dumped by the tender ferocity.
Life chuckles at this sight, savoring a subtle taste of pride; death roars at it and engulfs the crude proposition to "rule and then divide".
Now that my thoughts tickle this contempt of the man in me, the mind frees itself to a buoyant ecstasy.
And,I'm right on to an ode to a superficial entity...
A giant leap from rhythm to symmetry...
Unfinished Business
10 years ago
i am tasting this prosaic tune
or rather this prosaic symmetry
Its not prosaic....atleast i didnt find anything like that...its total self-realisation....i liked it very much
yeahhah..then i'm not done..i still have to try..or may be i am lying to you..
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