Scarlet stains sway above
Up in the sky, where birds fly
To wave a bard back home.
Flowers bloom, amidst green womb-
His rejuvenated youth...
Shines a pearl in eyes
Its color creeps in her lies-
Male order- malodorous...
Rummaging about this life
Where's peace-disillusioned love?
Cryptic thoughts galore
Teeming in a void of joy
Fill in his world of pride.
Endless gibberish...fades ink
Tangle of signs, heaving sigh.
Cups full of liquor
Pour stale brown-a wet conscience...
One sisterly hug.
Burning ashes, swirling gray
Remind him of father's cry.
Wistful philander
Romancing another girl...
Tinge of doleful smile.
Happy glass, queen images-
Her sweet past, sweetened future.
Happy tunes of mind
Drift past ecstatic purple...
Toxic sublime.
Jubilant Beatles, fey Floyd
Swiveling into blue Hendrix.
Empty glass, forlorn ice-cubes...
Straw or brown
Ink and paper.....
Unfinished Business
10 years ago